
Receive AI-generated summaries of podcasts and videos via email, extracting key information to enhance your listening experience and save time.
Content Summarization AI-powered Transcription Podcast and Video Analysis

Snipcast offers AI-generated summaries of podcasts and videos that it delivers by email. The service uses large AI models to dig through your favorite audio and video and pull out the most important information so you can get more out of your listening.

Snipcast can handle content from YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts and Overcast, so you can integrate it with what you're already listening to. You just have to copy and paste a link to the episode, and Snipcast will create a written summary of the episode.

The service has three tiers of pricing to suit different needs:

  • Snipcast Free: $0/month, 2 summaries per month, able to summarize any podcast or video, and able to share summaries.
  • Snipcast Premium: $5.99/month, 30 summaries per month, and the ability to upload your own audio or video files and to get time-stamped summaries.
  • Snipcast Patron: $9.99/month, 100 summaries per month, and all Premium features, plus access to new features as soon as they're released.

Snipcast is useful for anyone who wants to get the most out of their favorite podcasts and videos. You can easily go back and re-listen to the most important parts at any time, and you can get more out of your content. It's useful for anyone who wants to learn more without having to switch apps or services.

Snipcast can handle a lot of podcasts and videos, but it doesn't handle non-English content, and some Spotify-only podcasts aren't available because Snipcast can't download their audio. A 50% discount is available for students who verify an educational email address.

Snipcast is designed to make podcast and video summaries easy to use and efficient, and it's a useful tool for anyone who wants to get more out of their content.

Published on July 9, 2024

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