
Strips paywalls, ads, and popups from websites, providing quick summaries of long articles with sophisticated AI-powered contextual understanding.
Content Summarization Paywall Removal Browser Extension

Smry is a tool that strips out paywalls, ads and popups from websites so you can get a quick look at summarized content. It works with high-profile publications like the New York Times and the Washington Post, but also with thousands of other sites.

Smry gives you a quick look at long articles, letting you digest information more quickly. It's a browser extension and a website, so it's designed to be easy to use. And with sophisticated AI technology, it can understand the context of a document and offer a summary that's relevant to the article. That makes it a good option for people who want to get the gist of a long article without spending a lot of time reading.

Smry can be useful for anyone who sees paywalls when they're browsing the web. The tool strips out those paywalls without asking you to log in, so you can get the information you want without jumping through hoops. Michael Chomsky developed Smry and hosts it on Vercel, and you can see the source code on GitHub if you want to dig deeper. You can use Smry directly from the website, too, if you want to try it out.

Published on June 14, 2024

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