
Automatically summarizes content from visited websites, condensing information into personalized notes, and allowing users to steer the tool towards desired topics.
Content Summarization Personalized Note-taking Information Organization

SlashyNote can help people turn their browsing history into useful information, offering a personalized note-taking experience. By scanning websites you've visited, the tool can summarize content so you can find and organize information from many sources.

SlashyNote can automatically summarize information, gathering content from websites and condensing it into notes. You can also tell the tool what you're interested in, and it'll summarize pages you've visited based on that and the pages you've visited. That means you can steer the tool toward what you want to see. Other features include an interface that's designed to be easy to use and a button to automatically open search results so you can get to the next step of your browsing faster.

The tool looks like it could be useful for people who want to get a better handle on the information they're finding online. That could be particularly useful for researchers, students or professionals trying to synthesize information from different sources. SlashyNote doesn't reveal pricing details at this stage, but you can sign up for the waitlist for the Premium Service.

Published on June 24, 2024

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