Sink In

Access a range of AI image generation models on high-end hardware, with a pay-as-you-go pricing model starting at $0.0015 per image.
AI Image Generation Cloud-Based GPU Acceleration Pay-As-You-Go Pricing

Sink In offers a persistent diffusion AI image generator that lets developers run large models on high-end hardware. By hosting a variety of models on fast graphics processing units, Sink In offers a quick, reliable and economical foundation for AI apps.

Sink In has uploaded several models, including majicMIX realistic, MeinaHentai, AbsoluteReality, DreamShaper, Realistic Vision V1.2, and many others. The models have been run many times, with some models exceeding 2 million runs. That's a lot of stability and reliability.

The service uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model, with a cost per image generation of $0.0015. The cost varies depending on image size and the number of steps:

  • 512 x 512, 30 steps: $0.0018 per image
  • 512 x 768, 30 steps: $0.0027 per image
  • 768 x 1024, 30 steps: $0.0054 per image

Charges are monthly or when the balance reaches $1000. You can check the API documentation to see how to use Sink In's technology in your projects.

Sink In requires you to follow its terms of service, and it warns that API users who don't follow its guidelines can have their accounts suspended. For questions or support, you can contact Sink In through its website.

Published on June 13, 2024

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