
Send time-sensitive updates to your community via SMS and Telegram, reaching them even when they're not on Discord, with real-time critical updates.
Community Engagement Tools Messaging Automation Discord Integration

Sense is a utility designed to send time-sensitive updates to your community via SMS and Telegram right within your Discord server. This means you can reach your community even when they're not actively on Discord, and ensure critical updates are seen in real-time.

Some of the main features of Sense include:

  • Send SMS & Telegram Messages: Reach your community wherever they are.
  • Autorole Feature: Automatically assign a unique role to subscribers on your server.
  • Easy Setup: Install Sense on your Discord server in under 60 seconds.

Sense is great for sending alerts like NFT mint notifications, trading signals, and going live messages. It also integrates with other tools like Zealy and Subber to make moderation a breeze. Subscribers can easily sign up for SMS or Telegram alerts to stay up to date on the latest announcements.

Sense pricing is as follows:

  • Free: $0 per month with 500 Telegram credits included.
  • Lite: $14 per month with 2,000 Telegram credits included, and additional credits available at $7 per 1,000.
  • Pro: $45 per month with 5,000 Telegram credits and 1,000 SMS credits included, and additional credits available at $7 per 1,000 Telegram and $16 per 1,000 SMS.

Sense prioritizes security, requiring only basic messaging permissions and no admin or role permissions. It has been fully verified by Discord and will work with most security tools. Billing is handled through Discord, so you can easily manage your subscription.

While actual open rates will vary, Sense reports high open rates across platforms, with 99.9% for Discord, 86% for SMS, and a strong open rate for Telegram. With over 10,000 Discord users already signed up, Sense is a trusted way to keep your community up to date.

Published on June 9, 2024

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