
AI-powered site search and filter app that shortens the path to checkout faster.
E-commerce Optimization Site Search Personalization

Searchanise is an AI-powered site search and filter app that's designed to help customers find what they're looking for in an ecommerce store. It's designed to get customers to checkout faster by offering an intuitive and customizable search interface.

Searchanise is designed to shorten the path to checkout by improving search, filtering and merchandising. Features include Autocomplete, Suggestions and Instant Results that help customers find what they're looking for without having to dig through multiple pages. The app also includes facets for filtering, product recommendations and analytics to help store owners understand how customers are behaving.

Some of Searchanise's features include:

  • Autocomplete: Offers customers instant search suggestions that can help them find what they're looking for faster and with less effort.
  • Filtering: Offers customers multiple filter options to narrow down their search and find what they're looking for.
  • Merchandising: Allows store owners to promote specific products in search and on the search results page.
  • Personalization: Offers search results that are tailored to individual customers based on their behavior, such as products they've viewed and purchased.
  • Voice Search: Offers customers the ability to search using voice commands for a more natural search experience.
  • Integration: Works with multiple ecommerce platforms, including Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce and CS-Cart.

Searchanise offers several pricing tiers to accommodate different business needs:

  • Basic: $16/month (annual billing)
  • Advanced: $49/month (annual billing)
  • Pro: $149/month (annual billing) or $179/month (monthly billing)
  • Premium: $274/month (annual billing) or $329/month (monthly billing)
  • Growth: $83/month (annual billing) or $99/month (monthly billing)
  • Essential: $33/month (annual billing) or $39/month (monthly billing)
  • Free: Available for dev and standard store types

With its broad range of features and flexible pricing, Searchanise is designed to help you improve the search experience and ultimately drive conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Published on July 11, 2024

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