SDXL Turbo

Generates high-quality, photorealistic images from text prompts in real-time, with breakthrough performance and speed, ideal for real-time applications.
Image Generation Real-time Rendering Artificial Intelligence Modeling

SDXL Turbo is a state-of-the-art AI model that creates high-quality images from text prompts in real-time. By using the Adversarial Stable Diffusion Distillation technology, SDXL Turbo surpasses traditional models in terms of image quality and speed, producing crisp and detailed images quickly and efficiently.

SDXL Turbo is notable for its ability to generate photorealistic images in a single network evaluation, making it perfect for real-time applications like video games, virtual reality, and instant content creation. This model is the best in the market when it comes to image quality and speed, generating 512x512 images in 207ms on high-end GPUs like the A100.

The main advantages of SDXL Turbo are:

  • Breakthrough Performance: Single-step image generation at incredible speed and quality.
  • Best Image Quality: Uses Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to produce sharp and vivid images.
  • Real-Time Generation: Fast response times for applications that need speed and efficiency.
  • Low Computational Cost: Fast generation on high-end GPUs.
  • Easy to Use: Easy setup and a user-friendly interface for professionals and hobbyists.

SDXL Turbo can be used for a variety of purposes, including the creation of artistic and design projects, and the support of educational and research projects. Its real-time generation capabilities also enable new possibilities for interactive media and online content creation.

SDXL Turbo pricing is as follows:

  • Free: $0/Mo, includes 10 daily generations for the first 7 days with normal processing, 1 daily advanced edit, and generate 2 images at once.
  • Pro: $5/Mo, includes 1000 fast generations per month, unlimited normal processing, and 30 daily advanced edits.
  • Max: $10/Mo, includes 3000 fast generations per month, unlimited normal processing, and 120 daily advanced edits.

SDXL Turbo comes with a free trial, so you can try it out for yourself. Researchers and developers can get access to the model's weights and code on platforms like Hugging Face, offering a great starting point for more advanced AI exploration.

Published on June 14, 2024

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