
Continuously monitors specified websites, sending alerts and updates on changes, empowering users to stay ahead of competitors and market trends.
Competitor Analysis Market Research Web Scraping

Scrapx continuously monitors the websites you specify, sending you updates and alerts when changes are made, so you can stay on top of your competitors and market trends. The service offers a range of options to keep you up to date and a step ahead of the competition.

Scrapx monitors websites you specify daily and sends you alerts when changes are made, whether it's a new headline or product launch. It can also extract specific data using Queryselectors. Alerts can be sent by email or Slack. The service also offers API webhooks so you can process the data in your own system.

Some of the features of Scrapx include:

  • Website Change Detection: Monitor changes to websites daily, including text, visual, and data changes.
  • E-Mail and Slack Notifications: Get real-time updates on the websites you track.
  • Queryselector: Select specific content like headlines or numerical data on the websites you track.
  • Http Headers: Set HTTP headers for each website, like Cookie, Accept, or API Keys.
  • API Webhooks: Send extracted data directly into your internal systems.
  • Textual Change Detection: Monitor website content changes, including headlines, prices, and product information.
  • Visual Change Detection: Monitor daily screenshots for visual changes.
  • Data Extraction: Extract specific data using CSS selectors, JSON mapping, and array iterators.

Scrapx offers a range of pricing plans to accommodate different business needs. The Free plan includes basic features like textual and visual change detection, data extraction, and email alerts for up to two websites for $0/month. The Basic plan at $9/month includes advanced analytics and support for up to 25 products and 10,000 subscribers. The Pro plan at $49/month includes unlimited products and subscribers, advanced analytics and dedicated support.

Some examples of Scrapx use cases include competitor analysis, content strategy, promotional awareness, regulatory compliance, and market research. It's a good option for companies looking for actionable intelligence to help them stay competitive in their market.

Check out the Scrapx website to see their competitive pricing plans and start using the service today.

Published on June 14, 2024

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