
Craft personalized LinkedIn messages with AI-driven insights from recipients' public profiles, tailoring tone and content for more effective outreach.
LinkedIn Automation Sales Outreach Personalized Messaging

SayHi is a Chrome extension that uses AI to craft personalized LinkedIn messages to each recipient based on their background. The tool is designed to help you write thoughtful messages by tapping into the recipient's public LinkedIn profile. It's geared for people who want to use it to reach out to others, including recruiters, salespeople, businesspeople and executives.

Among SayHi's features are:

  • Easy setup: Write a one-sentence template and reuse it for anyone.
  • Tone: Choose a tone for the message to convey the right attitude.
  • Personalization: SayHi draws information from the recipient's LinkedIn profile to personalize the message.

You can use SayHi for a variety of tasks, including finding candidates, expanding your professional network, prospecting customers, raising money and hiring employees.

SayHi's pricing varies depending on how you want to use it:

  • Founder: $10 per user per month, with 300 messages, integration with analytics tools, A/B testing and access to beta features.
  • Startup: $50 per user per month, with 1,500 messages, integration with analytics tools, A/B testing and automatically generated message templates.
  • Sales & Recruiting: $100 per user per month, with 5,000 messages, integration with analytics tools, A/B testing and integration with an ATS (applicant tracking system) or CRM (customer relationship manager) of your choice.
  • A La Carte: Custom pricing for features you want, like integration with your ATS or CRM.

New customers get 10 free messages to try it out, so it's not a bad way to dip your toes into the service. The AI-powered approach can help you get more out of LinkedIn outreach efforts, saving time and making your messages more relevant.

Published on June 14, 2024

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