
Enables seamless video calls, live streaming, and real-time messaging with high-quality audio, low latency, and end-to-end encryption for easy collaboration.
Video Conferencing Real-Time Messaging Live Streaming Solutions

Sariska also offers a range of APIs and SDKs to boost video calls, live streaming, real-time messaging and cobrowsing. The service is designed to be simple, flexible and reliable so people can communicate and collaborate easily.

Sariska's Video Calling SDK offers high-quality, low-latency video calls even on lower-end hardware and in challenging network conditions. Features include:

  • Global Videobridge
  • Transcriptions and Captions
  • Seamless Recording
  • End-to-End Encryption

The Real-Time Messaging component, written in Erlang, is designed to send and receive messages as soon as possible without any lag. For voice and VoIP, Sariska supports high-quality audio calls, 5G VoIP dial-ins and PSTN with low latency.

The Interactive Live Streaming SDK is cross-platform, so customers can reach an audience without worrying about compatibility issues. Features include:

  • Fully Interactive Streams
  • Multi-Platform Output
  • Custom Layouts and Recording
  • Geo-Scaling Optimization

For cobrowsing, Sariska supports screen-sharing with real-time communication technology so up to four people can work together at the same time.

Sariska is designed to make integration easier with a unified development environment for cross-platform apps. That means developers can quickly build, test and deploy their projects.

Pricing is designed to match business growth, with 50GB of free usage or 60 transcoded minutes per month. Customers pay as they go, with no extra fees.

Sariska is good for a variety of industries, including Ed-Tech, where it can power smart classrooms with features like real-time vernacular translation and auto-generated class notes. It's also good for online gaming, virtual health care and social networking.

Developers can use clear and concise documentation to integrate Sariska's APIs and SDKs into their projects. The service has a range of tools for building everything from small to large-scale apps, with a focus on high-quality, low-latency media transport.

Published on June 14, 2024

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