
Convert video and audio files into editable text with high accuracy, then edit the text to alter the corresponding audio.
Media Transcription Audio to Text Conversion Automated Transcription

Revoldiv is a platform that converts video and audio files into text. Its main purpose is to help people transcribe their multimedia content with the help of AI. Uploading or dragging a file into the browser lets you quickly convert audio into text, then edit that text to change the corresponding audio. Revoldiv also lets you create and share media files.

Some of the key features of Revoldiv include:

  • Accurate Transcriptions: Transcribe video and audio files quickly and with high accuracy.
  • Text Selection: Select and edit parts of the transcription by highlighting the text.
  • Filler Word Removal: Remove filler words like "um" or "uh" from videos with one click.
  • Editing: Edit text to edit the corresponding video, making it easy to edit.
  • Audiogram Creation: Create audiograms of favorite moments.
  • Exporting: Export videos and subtitles in various formats.
  • Sharing: Share full projects or individual moments.
  • Chapter Creation: Break up content into chapters with easy navigation.
  • Commenting: Comment or respond to existing comments.

Revoldiv also offers an API for advanced transcription services, supporting nearly 100 languages and offering features like automatic language detection, timestamps, and speaker identification. The API is designed to be easily integrated into existing workflows.

Revoldiv supports a range of file formats, including MP4, MOV, AVI, and more. The platform is available in Chrome and Firefox, and the editing interface is available on non-mobile devices for files two hours or less in length.

Revoldiv offers custom enterprise plans and API access for large-scale data needs. For more information on these plans, you can contact the company directly.

Revoldiv is geared for media creators and podcasters, offering a quick and easy way to transcribe, edit and share their content. By automating the transcription process, Revoldiv cuts down on tedious work and opens up media creation to more people.

Published on June 9, 2024

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