
Searches 282 million articles to provide instant answers with credible citations, automating research busywork and freeing up time for higher-level thinking.
Research Automation Academic Search Citation Management

ResearchGPT is a tool designed to help researchers and scientists work faster. The service lets you search for relevant papers in a database of 282 million articles, an enormous time-savings over manual searching. And you can ask questions and get answers supported by citations, so you can be confident the information you're getting is reliable and trustworthy.

That's particularly useful for people who need to synthesize information from a lot of sources or verify facts with credible citations. By applying the large language model technology of GPT, ResearchGPT automates a lot of the busywork of research, freeing up your time for more thinking and doing.

If you're interested in trying out ResearchGPT, you can get started through a ChatGPT integration that offers a simple, conversational interface. You can also check out the ResearchGPT website for more details on how to use the service to help with your research.

Published on June 14, 2024

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