
Automatically generate new content ideas from existing blog posts, videos, and podcasts, and plan a 30-day content calendar in just 60 seconds.
Content Generation Content Optimization Artificial Intelligence for Content Creation

Repurposly is a content repurposing tool that uses AI to help you come up with new content based on what you already have. The tool can take blog posts, videos and podcasts and turn them into new blog posts, social posts, lead magnets and other content.

Among the features:

  • Blog Post Ideas: Get 10 ideas for related blog posts based on a single link.
  • Lead Magnet Ideas: Get 10 lead magnet ideas based on blog post or video content.
  • Social Media Content: Get 10 social media post ideas for Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.
  • Video Ideas: Get 10 video ideas based on related content.
  • Content Planning: Plan a 30-day content calendar based on a category in about 60 seconds.
  • Podcast-to-Blog Post Conversion: Upload a podcast and get the main ideas converted into 10 related blog post ideas.

The tool offers several pricing tiers depending on how much you want to use it:

  • Free: 10 generations, basic blog and video abilities.
  • Growth: $19/month, 50 generations, more advanced social media and email campaign ideas.
  • Premium: $29/month, 100 generations, the ability to convert blog posts into video, podcast and Twitter threads.
  • Elite: $99/month, 300 generations, more content planning, advanced video and infographic generation.

Repurposly's idea is to make it easier to create new content, letting you reuse and expand what you already have. That can be handy for individuals or teams that want to maintain a steady flow of new content without having to start from scratch. Check out Repurposly's website for more.

Published on June 14, 2024

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