Release AI

Automates release notes creation in various formats, integrating with popular tools, to streamline API change documentation and coordination for developers, managers, and customers.
API Integration Automated Reporting Release Management

Release AI is intended to monitor API changes and create release notes that are accurate and standardized so project managers, developers and customers can better coordinate their work.

By registering API environments, Release AI uses AI to create release notes that appear in the UI and are sent by email. That automates release notes creation in formats like HTML, Email Compatible, JSON, YAML and PDF and integrates with tools like Email, Slack, S3 and Dropbox. Release cycles can be set on a weekly, bi-weekly or ad-hoc basis.

Release AI is designed to help developers get more done without lengthy meetings and reports. It also should help project managers create release documentation that's clear so they don't have to ask as many questions. And it should help customers get the information they need so they don't have to open as many support tickets.

Release AI has a free plan with no credit card required. Monthly paid plans are:

  • Starter: $0/mo
  • Startup Essentials: $49/mo
  • Advanced: $99/mo

Features include OpenRelease Standards, multiple format support, integrations, adjustable group sizes, support, documentation and email and call support.

By automating release notes generation, Release AI is a useful tool for API-first companies that need to document changes quickly and accurately for many people.

Published on June 13, 2024

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