
Comprehensive cloud-based security platform protecting web applications and APIs from modern threats.
Web Application Security Cloud Security API Security

Reblaze is a cloud-based platform that offers a full and dynamic security and control solution for web platforms. It offers a managed and comprehensive security solution for web applications and APIs, protecting them against modern and sophisticated attack vectors.

Reblaze's main features include:

  • Next-Generation WAF: Advanced web application firewall capabilities.
  • API Security: Protects APIs with robust protection.
  • DoS & DDoS Protection: Blocks malicious traffic to prevent denial-of-service attacks.
  • Advanced Bot Management: Controls bot traffic, separating legitimate bots from malicious bots.
  • Account Takeover (ATO) Protection: Blocks account takeover attempts.
  • CDN Integration: Optimizes content delivery and site responsiveness.
  • Load Balancing: Automatically distributes workloads across resources.
  • Automated Resource Scaling: Adjusts resources to accommodate traffic surges.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Offers detailed, real-time traffic insights.
  • SIEM Integration: Integrates with security information and event management.
  • Human Behavioral Analysis: Detects and blocks suspicious user behavior.
  • Compliance: Supports security standards compliance.

Reblaze is deployed as a reverse proxy in a dedicated Virtual Private Cloud, sending incoming traffic to scrubbing and blocking hostile traffic while allowing legitimate traffic to pass through with near-zero latency (less than 1.5 ms). This approach means that each customer has its own dedicated VPC, eliminating multi-tenancy risks.

Reblaze integrates with leading cloud providers, including AWS, Azure and Google, so customers can process and scrub traffic in their own trusted clouds. The platform is fully managed and monitored by Reblaze personnel, ensuring that security is always up-to-date and effective.

Customers praise the platform for saving downtime and money by automating security and for rapid support response. The real-time dashboard provides a detailed view of incoming traffic, showing what is being passed or blocked and why.

Reblaze is well-suited for companies that make web application and API security a top priority, needing strong protection against modern attack vectors. Its fully managed and automated approach also appeals to companies that want to reduce security worries while keeping high-performance web platforms.

Published on July 2, 2024

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