
Access a diverse range of AI-powered personalities offering personalized guidance, advice, and companionship across various domains, from language learning to career coaching.
AI-powered Chatbots Personalized Assistants Language Learning Tools

Realistics offers a variety of AI-powered personalities that serve as personal assistants, advisors and even friends. The personas, designed to mimic human interaction, can help you with everything from language learning to technology advice to career guidance to fitness coaching to social media management.

Among Realistics' features:

  • Personalized Interactions: Talk to AI personalities for specific roles, like language tutors, career advisors and travel companions.
  • Multi-Modal Communication: Chat by text message or voice recording, and AI responds in text and audio.
  • Variety of Roles: There are lots of personalities, with new ones added all the time, including a social media influencer named Sophie.

Realistics is designed to be useful, offering advice, helping you practice languages and even keeping you company. The app is available for iOS devices now but will come to Android and web browsers later.

Pricing includes a free trial to let you try out the Realistics that are available. Two main plans are available:

  • Text Plan: Unlimited text messages.
  • Audio Plan: Unlimited audio and text messages.

Realistics is working on better distinguishing between human and AI interactions, but the tool remains a useful and entertaining way to tap into the expertise of others and get some company on your phone.

Published on June 14, 2024

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