
Provides secure and legally binding digital transactions with enhanced signer identification, online notarization, and fraud prevention, ensuring authentic signatures.
Digital Transaction Verification Identity Verification Fraud Prevention Electronic Signature Online Notarization

Proof offers secure and legally binding verification services for digital transactions, including online notarization, identity verification, and fraud prevention. The platform is designed to instill trust in every transaction, giving customers the highest level of confidence that customer signatures are authentic.

Proof is designed to work for a wide variety of industries, including real estate, automotive and financial services, where legally binding agreements are critical. The platform combines auditable verification with cryptographic evidence to ensure these agreements are executed securely.

Proof offers the following features:

  • Enhanced Signer Identification: Offers evidence about the identity, including data about a person’s identity, device, and location, so you can have complete confidence in their signature.
  • Online Notarization: Connects you with a notary in seconds to perform legally compliant notarizations.
  • Basic eSignature: Provides a fast and low-risk way to sign documents.
  • Fraud Risk Monitoring: Identifies suspicious transactions for review to prevent potential fraud.
  • Smart Execution Engine: Automates complex rules and regulations so you can sign documents with confidence.
  • Cryptographic Seal: Combines a verified identity with every signature to create a tamper-proof digital signature.

Proof is well suited for companies that need high levels of identity assurance, such as those in highly regulated industries. Proof has obtained certifications and approvals from respected organizations to ensure it is secure and accessible.

Proof doesn't detail its pricing, but it does say you can save up to $110 per transaction and that it cuts the cost to serve a notarization by 54%. You can check the Proof website for details on pricing and to get started with the service for trusted transactions.

Published on June 30, 2024

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