
Validate and complete customer details with address lookup, rooftop geocoding, mobile and email validation, and OTP verification, boosting conversion rates and data quality.
Address Validation Form Automation Customer Data Management

Postcoder is a full-featured API that can be used to quickly and accurately look up addresses and validate forms. The idea is to boost conversion rates and capture high-quality customer data by making it easier and faster for people to fill out forms.

Postcoder combines several features to validate and complete customers' details. Those features include:

  • Mobile validation: Check mobile phone numbers.
  • Address lookup: Capture addresses with postcode lookup or address autocomplete.
  • Rooftop geocoding: Get latitude-longitude coordinates for addresses anywhere in the world.
  • OTP verification: Secure customer accounts with one-time password SMS verification.
  • Bank validation: Check bank accounts for direct debits and money transfers.
  • Email validation: Capture valid email addresses.

The API can look up addresses in 244 countries around the world, and it can handle high traffic with an average of 700,000 API calls per day. Postcoder has 99.99% historical uptime, so you can rely on it to be available.

Developers can quickly add the features with a single, easy-to-use API. The API documentation and sample code make it easy to get up and running. The admin interface is easy to use for account management and configuration. It also supports dark mode for extra convenience.

Postcoder charges by the credit, with each request using a different number of credits. The credit cost depends on the type of request:

  • Address lookup (UK): 2.0 credits
  • Address lookup (Ireland): 4.5 credits
  • Address lookup (Rest of world): 2.0 credits
  • Rooftop geocoding (UK and Ireland): 4.5 credits
  • Bank validation: 1.2 credits
  • Email validation: 1.2 credits
  • Mobile validation: 1.2 credits
  • OTP verification: 3.7 credits

You can buy credits in blocks or subscribe to monthly plans. Larger blocks get discounts.

Postcoder is used by more than 9,000 companies around the world and has helped them boost form conversion rates and data quality. It's a good choice for companies that have a lot of customer data, since it cuts down on errors and makes for a better user experience.

Published on July 10, 2024

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