Plate Recognizer

Extracts license plate information from images and video with high accuracy and speed, providing vehicle details and real-time alerts.
License Plate Recognition Vehicle Surveillance Intelligent Transportation Systems

Plate Recognizer offers high-accuracy, high-speed automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) software that works in a variety of conditions, including dark, blurry and obliquely viewed images. The software is tuned for your specific geographic region and works in more than 90 countries.

The software includes a range of features for images and video, including:

  • License Plate Recognition: Extracts license plate information from images and video.
  • Vehicle Information: Provides vehicle make, model, color, region and direction of travel.
  • Webhooks and Dashboard: Offers real-time alerts and an easy-to-use interface.
  • On-Premise and Cloud Options: Can run on a variety of hardware, including Windows, Linux, Jetson and Raspberry Pi, and doesn't require internet access.
  • Fast Inference: Processes images in 50-100 ms and video in real time.

Plate Recognizer can be used for a variety of tasks, including parking enforcement, highway surveillance and toll collection. It's particularly useful in areas where cars are moving, like highways, parking lots or toll plazas.

Plate Recognizer pricing is based on the number of lookups per month, with free trials, monthly subscriptions and one-time perpetual licenses. For example, the Snapshot ALPR pricing starts at $50 per month for 50,000 lookups, with discounts for annual subscriptions. The Stream ALPR pricing starts at $35 per month per camera, with no lookup limits.

With its high accuracy, speed and flexibility, Plate Recognizer is a good option for organizations that need a reliable and efficient ALPR system. Check the project site for details on pricing, features and how to get started.

Published on July 6, 2024

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