
Generates detailed business plans in seconds, prioritizes tasks by impact, and provides AI-driven advice to optimize project management and boost productivity.
Project Management AI-powered Collaboration Automated Task Prioritization

Plansom is an AI-powered project management tool that's designed to increase productivity by making complex work easier and running operations more efficiently. The service uses customizable templates and AI advice to keep team members on the same page and focused on the most important goals.

Among other things, Plansom offers:

  • AI Plan Generator: Generates detailed business plans in seconds, so you don't have to spend hours planning from scratch.
  • Smart Task Prioritization: Analyzes tasks and prioritizes them based on impact and effort, so you can focus on the most important work first.
  • AI Support: Step-by-step advice and troubleshooting tips for complex tasks, like having an expert in your corner.
  • Seamless Collaboration: Integrates team chat, updates and collaboration directly into tasks and goals for better teamwork.
  • Real-time Progress Tracking: Tracks individual tasks and company-wide goals so you can spot problems and make decisions.
  • Customizable Templates: Create and apply your own strategy templates to suit your business needs and ensure consistency.

Plansom pricing is tiered:

  • Monthly Plan: $14.99 per user, with access to hundreds of standard strategies.
  • Annual Plan: $149.99 per user (17% discount), with access to all standard strategies.

Both monthly and annual plans come with access to a large library of standard strategies, with pricing based on per-user plans. Premium strategies are also available, which are often needed for specific website operations like protected login pages.

Plansom is geared for businesses and teams that want to make their operations more efficient, improve collaboration and get more out of project management with AI. By using AI to create plans, prioritize work and offer expert advice, Plansom can help teams get where they want to go faster.

Published on June 21, 2024

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