
Provides instant, accurate answers to complex technical questions, along with tools for code testing, image analysis, and multi-query search to accelerate development.
AI-Powered Search Code Development Tools Developer Productivity

Phind is an AI answer engine geared specifically for developers. It's designed to help you tackle difficult problems by providing detailed answers and tools to help you turn an idea into a working product. Phind uses large language models like Phind-70B, GPT-4 and Claude Opus to give you answers that are both accurate and efficient.

Some of Phind's key features include:

  • Instant Answers: Use Phind-70B for quick and capable answers.
  • Multi-Query Search: Run multiple searches for complex, multi-step questions.
  • Image Analysis: Use GPT-4 to analyze images.
  • Code Testing: Run and test code directly in the browser.
  • Custom Links: Use custom links in the search box for more targeted results.
  • Hotkeys: Supports global hotkeys for quick navigation and searching.

Phind offers several pricing tiers:

  • Phind Pro (Monthly): $20/month, includes unlimited Phind-70B searches, daily GPT-4 and Claude Opus uses, and multi-query search.
  • Phind Pro (Yearly): $17/month, includes the same features as the monthly plan.
  • Phind Business (Enterprise): $40/month per seat, includes data exclusion from training by default, OpenAI zero data retention, and centralized billing.

Phind is geared for developers who need to quickly find answers to technical questions and who want to optimize their workflow. By combining large language models with a variety of practical features, Phind helps you get from idea to product as quickly and efficiently as possible. Check out Phind's website for more details and to sign up.

Published on June 14, 2024

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