
Create interactive, secure, and trackable digital documents with AI-powered content, analytics, and customizable templates for enhanced engagement and optimization.
Digital Document Creation Interactive Content Analytics and Engagement Tracking

Create digital documents and presentations with PageTiger, a design suite that's got interactivity, AI-powered content and analytics to track engagement. Create powerful packs and presentations that are secure, compliant and engaging.

PageTiger's design tool lets you create branded documents with interactivity like videos, quizzes and charts. Security options include password protection and single sign-on so you can control who can see your documents. You can share documents with recipients with web links, email marketing campaigns or by embedding on other websites.

The analytics tool lets you measure engagement, tracking who's visiting, reading and interacting with your documents. That'll help you figure out what works and what doesn't so you can optimize your content. PageTiger also can handle a range of formats, including book and presentation formats, and offers options for search engine optimization and accessibility for people with visual impairments.

The tool comes with a range of templates and design elements, including custom page libraries, fonts, icons and images. You can also add interactivity with polls, quizzes and badges. And you can import existing documents and convert them into interactive content.

PageTiger has a variety of pricing tiers to accommodate different needs:

  • Essentials: $2,980 | £1,980 per year, including a central group account, unlimited document creation and one user license.
  • Essentials Plus: $5,180 | £3,450 per year, adding advanced security rule sets and unlimited TigerMailer usage.
  • Enterprise: $19,800 | £12,980 per year, including user roles, central user reporting and asset management.
  • Additional Users: $1,480 | £980 per year per user license.

PageTiger is good for creating digital documents for employee communications, onboarding new hires, customer communications, supplier management, digital learning and stakeholder engagement. Its flexibility and ease of use make it a good choice for companies and organizations looking to improve their digital presence.

Published on July 19, 2024

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