Oxygen XML Editor

Accelerate XML content creation and editing with AI-driven natural language generation and editing capabilities, while maintaining full control.
XML Editing Content Generation Artificial Intelligence Integration

Oxygen XML Editor is a full-featured tool to help you author and develop XML. It's available on multiple platforms and can be used as a standalone application or as an Eclipse plugin. It supports a range of XML technologies, letting you create, edit and publish content. And it can be extended with the Oxygen AI Positron Assistant plugin, which brings AI abilities for natural language content generation and editing while still giving you control.

Oxygen XML Editor includes a range of features to meet different needs:

  • XML IDE: A variety of perspectives, including XML Editor, XSLT Debugger, XQuery Debugger, XML Databases and XML Tree Editor.
  • XML Validation: Validation with XML Schema, Relax NG, DTD, NVDL and Schematron schema or embedded Schematron rules.
  • XML Schema Modeling: A visual diagram-based editor for XML Schema and RelaxNG Schema.
  • Intelligent XML Editing: Content completion, XML Grid Editing Mode and a tree-based XML Outline view.
  • XSL/XSLT Support: Editing, validation, transformation, debugging and profiling for XSLT 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.
  • Single-Source XML Publishing: Visual WYSIWYG XML-editing mode, ready-to-use visual editing for DocBook, DITA, TEI, JATS and XHTML frameworks.

Here's a look at Oxygen XML Editor and its siblings' pricing:

  • Oxygen XML Editor: Starts at $34 per month
  • Oxygen XML Author: Starts at $28 per month
  • Oxygen XML Developer: Starts at $16 per month
  • Oxygen JSON Editor: Starts at $7 per month
  • Oxygen XML Web Author: Starts at $240 per month
  • Oxygen Content Fusion: Starts at $240 per month
  • Oxygen Publishing Engine: Starts at $4,737
  • Oxygen XML WebHelp: Starts at $3,543
  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Starts at $2,538
  • Oxygen Feedback: Starts at $7 per month

Oxygen XML Editor is best for people who want a single tool for all their XML editing needs, with a lot of advanced features and flexibility in how it can be integrated into your workflow. Its strong support for many XML technologies and AI abilities make it a good fit for both newcomers and experienced users.

Published on July 6, 2024

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