
Monitor brand mentions, content, and competitors on AI-powered search interfaces, tracking Share of Voice and adjusting marketing strategies accordingly.
Brand Monitoring AI-powered Search Optimization Marketing Analytics

Otterly is a tool to monitor content and brand presence on AI-powered search interfaces like ChatGPT, Google Gemini/SGE and Microsoft Bing Copilot. By monitoring brand mentions, content and competitors, Otterly lets you measure your Share of Voice and adjust your marketing accordingly.

The service includes features like brand ranking, timeline and historical tracking, similar prompts and keywords, and automated monitoring. You can track how often you and your competitors are mentioned on different prompts to optimize your marketing efforts.

Otterly is designed to give you a sense of how your brand and content is doing on these new AI search interfaces that are starting to siphon traffic away from traditional search. It's geared in particular for marketing teams that need to adjust their work to the new AI search landscape.

Here are some of the features:

  • Brand Visibility Monitoring: Monitor brand mentions and content on AI-powered search interfaces.
  • Ranking and Timeline Tracking: See historical data to understand how brand visibility changes over time.
  • Similar Prompts and Keywords: See what people are searching for on AI engines.
  • Automated Monitoring: Get regular updates on brand visibility and content performance.

Otterly's pricing is simple: $19 per month for each monitored prompt. That includes the Share of Voice KPI, AI brand ranking, weekly automated monitoring and other features.

If you use Otterly, you can get a better idea of your brand's presence on AI-powered search and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing.

Published on June 14, 2024

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