
Delivers high-quality AI translations in over 100 languages, supporting multiple formats, with accurate and natural results for everyday conversations and technical documents.
Language Translation Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning

OpenL also offers real-time and high-quality AI translation in more than 100 languages. You can translate text, documents, images and speech, and it accepts a variety of formats like PDF, Word, PNG and MP3. It's geared for professionals, teachers and anyone else who needs to communicate across borders, and it uses AI and machine learning technology to match native speakers' fluency.

Among OpenL's features are:

  • Accurate AI Translation: OpenL uses AI neural technology to deliver translations that are as natural as possible, making it good for everyday conversations and technical documents.
  • Multi-Language Support: Translate text in more than 100 languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and many others, as well as more exotic languages like Ancient Greek, Old Norse and Toki Pona.
  • Multi-Format Support: Translate text, documents, images and speech, and accept a variety of formats like PDF, Word, PNG and MP3.
  • Grammar and Writing Tools: Use AI to improve your writing with grammar correction, writing refinement and language learning tools.
  • Educational Discounts: Students and teachers with .edu email addresses can get a 30% discount for language learning.

OpenL offers a free plan with 30 daily credits, limited to 1,500 characters per translation, and that works for text and document formats. Upgrades to paid plans get you more features:

  • Starter: $7.9 per month, with unlimited fast credits, support for text, document, image and speech formats, and a 30,000 character translation limit.
  • Pro: $14.9 per month, with 30 advanced credits per day, unlimited fast credits, and a 100,000 character translation limit.
  • Ultimate: $39.9 per month, with 100 advanced credits per day, unlimited fast credits, and a 150,000 character translation limit.

OpenL is designed to protect privacy. It deletes all translation data as soon as it's done, and translation history is stored only in the browser.

If you want to try the service, OpenL offers a free trial with 30 daily translations, so you can try it out before you subscribe. Students and teachers can apply for an educational discount once a year.

Published on June 11, 2024

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