Integrates with 320+ wearables to offer actionable insights, optimizing recovery, sleep, activity, and mental fitness for peak performance and overall well-being.
Personalized Health Performance Optimization AI-powered Wellness

ONVY is a modern approach to personalized health and performance optimization. The platform integrates users with over 320 wearables, interpreting the data to offer actionable insights. This allows people to optimize recovery, sleep, activity and mental fitness to achieve their best performance.

ONVY combines the latest health and performance science with AI technology. By analyzing user data, the platform offers actionable steps to improve overall health. Some of the key features include personalized load management, sleep performance tracking and mindfulness tools to improve mental fitness. Users can also track detailed progress reports and follow a daily routine to stay at the top of their game.

Real-world examples from athletes show the power of ONVY. Football pros like Eric Martel, Rani Khedira and Moritz Leitner have used the platform to optimize recovery and mental fitness. ONVY's AI Health Coach helps users understand the interplay between physical and mental health.

ONVY is designed for everyday people as well as athletes, and it's got state-of-the-art data privacy with GDPR compliance. The company's mission is to help people become happier and more vital in all aspects of their lives through proactive health management.

With ONVY, people can stay at the top of their game by balancing their physical and mental load, recovering better and improving mental fitness. Users can easily connect their wearable data and get personalized advice to optimize their daily routine. The platform is a useful resource for anyone looking to improve their health and performance.

Published on June 10, 2024

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