
Discover and contribute to the world's largest library of song lyrics, translations, and meanings.
Music Technology Content Distribution Lyric Management

Musixmatch is a platform where users can discover and contribute to the world's largest library of song lyrics. It's a full suite of tools for music lovers, artists, publishers and podcasters to manage, distribute and monetize their content.

The core of Musixmatch's business is giving people access to a massive library of song lyrics, translations, credits and meanings. It's all contributed by users, and the company has a system of Local Content Editor teams around the world to vet and verify the content to ensure quality and freshness.

Some of the key features of Musixmatch include:

  • Lyrics Management: Artists can manage their own lyrics catalog and distribute it to multiple music channels.
  • Real-time Synced Lyrics: Improve the user experience with real-time synced lyrics for videos and podcasts.
  • Emotion-based Ads: Use AI-powered song moods for targeted advertising.
  • Podcast Transcriptions: Offer an automated transcription service for podcasts, making them more accessible and discoverable.
  • Global Distribution: Partner with thousands of music publishers to ensure song success and provide detailed usage reports.

Musixmatch is for a variety of users:

  • Partners: Use the platform to improve their music services.
  • Artists: Manage their music catalog and profile.
  • Publishers: Distribute lyrics globally and earn royalties.
  • Podcasters: Transcribe and make their content more discoverable.

The platform's AI technology extracts deep metadata like entities and moods from user behavior, giving artists and publishers new insights. Musixmatch has also integrated with popular platforms like Spotify to power their lyrics expansion.

Music professionals, podcasters and music fans can use Musixmatch's suite of tools and services to improve the music experience and make it more accessible to people around the world.

Published on July 11, 2024

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