
Automates tasks and daily living with AI agents, freeing users to focus on higher-level aspects of their lives, while expanding human abilities.
Task Automation Social Event Planning AI-powered Virtual Assistants

MultiOn is a technology and design group that's using AI to augment human abilities. It's selling AI agents that can take actions on users' behalf, freeing up people to concentrate on higher-level aspects of their lives.

The Agent app, created with the Agent API, can plan and book social events so people can connect with friends without worrying about the details. The API itself lets developers build AI agents into their own devices and apps so they can automate lots of tasks on the web.

MultiOn's goal is to expand human abilities by making daily living easier with AI systems and products. The project is still young, but the Agent app and API updates should offer more abilities in the coming months.

Published on June 10, 2024

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