Mix Check Studio

Upload audio files to receive detailed, actionable advice on improving mixes and masters, with targeted feedback based on track type and musical style.
Music Production Audio Analysis AI-powered Music Tools

Mix Check Studio is an AI-powered tool designed to help music pros and enthusiasts improve their mixes and masters. It offers detailed, actionable advice to help you spot problems in your music and fix them so you can get better results.

Mix Check Studio works by letting you upload your audio files (WAV or MP3) and tell the tool whether it's a mixed or mastered track and what style of music or genre it is. The tool uses complex algorithms to analyze the track and offer advice to improve your mix or master. The service doesn't keep your audio files, deleting them after analysis and keeping only anonymized track statistics.

Here are some of the key features of Mix Check Studio:

  • Drag and Drop Audio Upload: Easy file upload process.
  • Track Type Identification: Tell the tool whether it's a mixed or mastered track for more accurate advice.
  • Musical Style or Genre Selection: Choose from a range of styles or genres for more targeted advice.
  • AI-Driven Feedback: Get detailed advice to help you improve your mixes and masters.
  • Optional User Feedback: Give us feedback on the advice you get so we can improve the service.

Mix Check Studio offers its service for free, so you can get useful information without adding to your costs. It's for anyone who wants to improve their mixing skills, whether you're a pro or just getting started.

Published on June 15, 2024

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