
Connects users with similar interests through AI-assisted matchmaking, fostering meaningful discussions and community engagement without the influence of likes and followers.
Social Media Platform Community Engagement Interest-Based Networking

Maven is a social media site that connects people based on their interests, not on who's a celebrity or who's popular. The company hopes the absence of likes and followers will lead to more thoughtful, meaningful online discussions.

Here are some of the site's features:

  • Interest-based connections: Posts are automatically linked to people with overlapping interests, so you don't have to join groups or follow people.
  • Serendipity feature: Posts are distributed to people in a more even way, so you'll see a wider variety of ideas without the influence of likes and clickbait.
  • AI-assisted messaging: You can use AI to help you think through your ideas and communicate better when you're exploring new ideas.
  • Interest graph building: You can find people, ideas and resources related to your interest profile.
  • Community engagement: You can post and comment on anything and automatically connect with like-minded people.

Maven seems geared in particular for professionals like investors, marketers, startup founders and software engineers. The site is designed to encourage deeper discussions and a community, not a popularity contest like you might see on more mainstream social media sites.

Maven's team has experience in various areas, including Ken Stanley, chief executive; Blas Moros, chief operating officer; and Jimmy Secretan, chief technology officer. Stanley has experience in AI, Moros has operations experience, and Secretan helped build online communities.

If you're looking for a social media site that tries to match you with people with similar interests, Maven is a different approach. Check the company's website to learn more about how Maven can help you connect with people who share your passions.

Published on June 13, 2024

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