
Automates complex billing processes, ensuring accurate and error-free bills, while shortening billing cycles and freeing up resources for product innovation.
Automated Billing Revenue Management Pricing Optimization Billing Automation

m3ter is an automation platform for usage-based billing for B2B software scale-ups. It automates the complexity of pricing, bill calculations and integrations with other systems to ensure bills are accurate and error-free.

m3ter solves the problems that come with manual billing processes, often handled with spreadsheets or homegrown tools. These approaches can be laborious, prone to errors and hard to expand. By automating complex bill calculations, m3ter lets companies shorten billing cycles, avoid revenue leakage and free engineers from billing overhead so they can focus on product innovation.

Among m3ter's features are:

  • High-Volume Data Handling: Handles large amounts of usage data without requiring engineers to manually extract and combine it.
  • Native Integrations: Integrates with finance systems, CRM and product platforms using APIs to ensure data synchronization and automation.
  • Complex Pricing Management: Handles different pricing models and changes so bill calculations are easy.
  • Error-Free Billing: Ensures accurate bills and real-time revenue visibility to avoid errors and revenue leakage.
  • Support and Expertise: Has a team of experts to help with big billing and pricing projects.

m3ter is useful for several teams within an organization:

  • Finance and Billing Operations: Streamline billing, eliminate errors and get real-time revenue visibility.
  • Engineering: Focus on product innovation, not billing system development and maintenance.
  • Product: Launch new features and products without worrying about billing complexity.
  • Sales and Customer Success: Get visibility into customer usage data, offer custom pricing and build better relationships.

Using m3ter, companies can expect to spend less time and stress on billing, eliminate errors and improve pricing agility. That, in turn, lets them unblock product innovation, win key accounts and drive revenue growth.

Published on July 16, 2024

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