
Automates data mapping with AI, generating mapping logic in seconds, and updating it when schema changes, to ensure data consistency and accuracy.
Data Integration Automated Reporting API Integration

Lume also lets you automate data mapping with AI, so it can fit in with your own systems and bypass tedious data munging. The tool can set up data pipelines 10 times faster by generating mapping logic in a matter of seconds.

Lume's AI can figure out source and target formats and automatically generate mapping logic, and it can update the mapping logic when schema changes mean it's no longer valid. You can inspect and modify mapping logic with custom logic or natural language, and you can see what data is mapped, what mapping logic is used and what the AI decided.

Among its features:

  • Generate Mapping Logic In Seconds: AI creates mappings based on source and target formats.
  • Easily Review and Edit Mapping Logic: Interfaces for editing mapping logic, from natural language to lambda functions.
  • Maintain Your Integrations Automatically: Notifications when schemas change and updates to mappers.
  • Embed Auto-Mappers In Your Code: Data mapping pipelines directly in code.

Lume has two products to use AI for data mapping:

  • Lume API: Directly embeds AI-powered data mapping into systems.
  • Lume Platform: A no-code interface to create and manage data mappers in seconds.

The tool is useful for industries like financial services, e-commerce and manufacturing, where data mapping and normalization are common. By automating the process, Lume cuts down on manual labor and errors, and helps ensure data consistency and accuracy across different systems and sources.

Published on June 13, 2024

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