
Uses AI to capture audio, synthesize data, and enable smart search, helping students organize and review notes more effectively for improved academic success.
Note Taking Automation Academic Productivity Artificial Intelligence for Education

Lodown uses Artificial Intelligence to help students take notes more effectively, organize them better and learn more. The company, which believes organization is the foundation of academic success, aims to give students more control over their learning.

The service has a few tricks to help you get a handle on your notes:

  • Capture Audio: Record lectures, discussions and study group sessions, then transcribe them into notes you can review.
  • Q&A: Search for information with a smart search engine that can dig into your notes.
  • Synthesize Data: Process raw information into notes that present information in a clear, organized way, so you can see what's important and what you need to work on.

Lodown has three tiers of service for different customers:

  • Free: $0/month, with 3 hours of recording time, 50 minutes of note-taking time and 25 smart search queries.
  • Basic: $6.99/month, with 15 hours of recording time, longer note-taking time and more search queries.
  • Pro: $10.99/month, with unlimited search queries, AI autocomplete and other advanced features.

Lodown is geared for students who want to get the most out of their notes, and who are willing to let AI technology handle some of the heavy lifting to improve their productivity and grades.

Published on June 10, 2024

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