
Build sophisticated AI applications by chaining multiple large language models, importing diverse data types, and leveraging no-code development.
Artificial Intelligence Development No-Code Development Language Model Integration

LLMStack is an open-source platform that lets you build AI applications like generative AI apps, chatbots and agents using pre-trained language models. It supports big model providers like OpenAI, Cohere, Stability AI and Hugging Face so you can use those models in conjunction with your own data to create more powerful AI apps.

LLMStack lets you import a range of data formats, including CSV, TXT, PDF, DOCX, PPTX and more from sources like Google Drive, Notion and URLs. That data can then be linked to LLM models for more powerful apps. You can also use vector databases to store and retrieve your data.

The platform includes a no-code builder so people who aren't programmers can use it. That lets you string together multiple LLMs and link them to your data and business processes. You can also run LLMStack in the cloud or on-premise so you can integrate it with your own infrastructure.

Some of its features include the ability to:

  • Chain multiple models: String together multiple LLMs for sophisticated AI applications.
  • Import various data types: Link to and use data from multiple sources.
  • No-code builder: Build AI apps without programming expertise.
  • Vector database support: Store and retrieve data in a useful way.
  • Multi-tenancy and permission control: Manage multiple organizations and control user access.

LLMStack can be used for a range of use cases, including chatbots that answer questions, generate text and perform tasks like summarization and translation. You can also use it to build AI assistants that automate workflows and business processes.

You can try LLMStack by visiting its GitHub repository or checking out its cloud-based version at Promptly. The tool combines data integration and AI abilities in a way that lets you build powerful and useful AI apps without requiring a lot of technical expertise.

Published on June 13, 2024

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