
Capture and share family memories, wisdom, and voices through simple, flexible, and private voice-based storytelling, creating a digital heirloom for generations.
Family History Preservation Voice-Based Storytelling Digital Heirloom Creation

Lineage is a voice-based storytelling platform that helps families capture, preserve and share their memories, wisdom and voices in a beautiful and shareable way. The service doesn't require any writing ability or special hardware, so all family members can participate.

Lineage helps families overcome the problem of lost family history and builds closer relationships by creating a casual storytelling setting. Family members can pick questions from a library or add their own, along with photos. Family members then respond verbally, and stories can be shared and listened to by family members anywhere.

Some of the key features of Lineage include:

  • Simple Storytelling: Record family stories in minutes, not hours, without having to write anything.
  • Flexible Questions: Ask questions from a library of categories, including milestones, people you love, career and advice.
  • Shareable Memories: Create a digital heirloom of family wisdom and memories.
  • Private Storage: Recordings are stored privately on your device and on Amazon Web Services.

Lineage is for families who want to capture their stories, wisdom and voices for future generations. Good uses include recording life experiences, offering advice to younger family members and preserving memories of loved ones after they're gone.

Pricing and subscription details aren't yet clear, but you can expect a flexible schedule with reminders so family members can contribute at their own pace.

With Lineage, families can build stronger relationships, keep memories alive and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

Published on June 15, 2024

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