Lavo Life Sciences

Accelerates drug development with AI-driven crystal structure prediction, reducing turnaround time and risk while optimizing formulations and discovering new polymorphs.
Drug Development Crystal Structure Prediction Pharmaceutical Research

Lavo Life Sciences uses AI-accelerated crystal structure prediction for small molecule drugs, helping drug development teams optimize solid-state formulations and avoid surprises later in development. By marrying AI and computational chemistry expertise, Lavo offers a new way to make drug development pipelines more efficient.

Lavo's core business is using AI algorithms to predict crystal structures, a process that helps in several ways:

  • Shorter Turnaround Time: Finding crystal forms quickly means less time spent in the development process.
  • Lower Risk: The tool can help you avoid crystal forms that derail development.
  • Better Formulations: Lavo can help you optimize drug formulations for better stability and manufacturing.
  • New Polymorphs: The AI crystal structure prediction can find new polymorphs with better properties.

Lavo's high-throughput approach evaluates millions of possible crystal structures in a matter of days, using physically-constrained AI algorithms trained on vast amounts of data to ensure results are accurate. That lets you explore the crystal structure landscape without bias and find new polymorphs that might not be found with traditional methods. The platform also can factor in environmental conditions like temperature and pressure to guide experiments.

Lavo's services include:

  • Single Molecule Prediction: Determining the most likely crystal structure for a given drug candidate.
  • Batch Screening: Evaluating multiple molecules at once for efficient portfolio optimization.
  • Customized Studies: Tailoring the approach to specific needs and research questions.

Lavo's technology is designed to speed up solid-state drug development by providing accurate and fast crystal structure prediction. To learn more about how to incorporate Lavo into your development process, check out their website.

Published on June 14, 2024

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