
Unlock insights from unlabeled images, achieve accurate results, and deploy computer vision models flexibly and scalably across industries.
Computer Vision Deep Learning Image Recognition Cloud-Based Platform

LandingLens is a cloud-based computer vision software platform that can be used to solve a wide range of problems by applying domain-specific Large Vision Models (LVMs) and deep learning. The platform is designed to make computer vision easy and accessible for users across a range of industries, including automotive, life sciences, electronics, manufacturing, food and beverage, infrastructure, and pharma.

With LandingLens, users can create their own LVMs using their own proprietary images to improve model performance and accelerate development. Key features of the platform include:

  • Get Insights: Get intelligence from your unlabeled images.
  • Accurate Results: Get better results in your computer vision tasks.
  • Flexible Deployment: Cloud, edge, and Docker deployment.
  • Unlimited Scalability: A pre-built template for model development.

Users can quickly and easily upload and label their images with the Label Book feature, ensuring high-quality data for model training. The platform also offers one-click training options and detailed reports to help users analyze performance metrics and improve model capabilities. Visual Prompting lets users quickly create computer vision systems with natural, intuitive prompts. Model predictions can be tested and deployed easily, with integration options for cloud and edge devices.

LandingLens also takes a data-centric approach, with data quality features like automatic mislabeled image detection and collaborative labeling. This approach means models can perform well with small datasets, providing results faster. The platform also offers flexible deployment options and continuous learning to keep models up-to-date.

For image acquisition, LandingAI offers a pre-assembled imaging box kit for kitting and inspection. Users can select from a variety of deliverable options, including turnkey solutions, knocked-down kits and DIY kits.

LandingLens pricing models are designed to accommodate a range of needs:

  • Free: Good for individuals, with 1,000 credits per month, unlimited projects, image labeling, model training and cloud inference.
  • Visionary: Good for small businesses, with 5,000 credits per month, plus features like user invitation and active project management.
  • Enterprise: Custom credit packages for large enterprises, with dedicated support, security and large vision models.

LandingLens is designed to make computer vision easy and accessible, even for those without deep AI expertise. It simplifies project management, enables collaboration and supports scalability for a broad range of use cases. By tapping into the power of deep learning, LandingLens aims to improve model performance, speed up development and improve product quality across a range of industries.

Published on June 14, 2024

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