
Get instant homework help in math and science with unlimited access to 50,000+ experts, providing step-by-step answers and personalized support in minutes.
Online Learning Platforms Homework Help Educational Technology

Kunduz offers students 24/7 homework help in math and science subjects. The service has unlimited access to experts so students can get answers to their questions in minutes. It's designed to help students learn more effectively, especially those who need extra help beyond what they get in the classroom.

Among Kunduz's features are:

  • Unlimited Expert Q&A: Access to more than 50,000 subject matter experts who can walk students through step-by-step answers to questions in subjects like algebra, calculus, geometry, physics, chemistry and biology.
  • Instant Solutions: Students get answers to questions on average within 15 minutes.
  • Real-time Insights: Teachers and other school staff can see what students are trying and track their progress so they can tailor their teaching.
  • One-on-One Approach: Students can have one-on-one sessions with tutors for more personalized help, and can ask follow-up questions to help them understand where they're stuck.
  • Unlimited Chat Credits: Students can ask follow-up questions without any limits.
  • 100% Solution Guarantee: If students don't get an answer or don't understand one, they can ask again and again until they do.

Kunduz is designed to help students, teachers and schools work together to create a better learning environment. For students, it's a way to get homework help on demand. For teachers, it offers a window into what students are doing so they can concentrate their time on areas where students need help. Schools can sign up to offer Kunduz to their students and faculty for better academic results.

Kunduz costs $14.99 per month, though a 3-month subscription is $49.99 (it auto-renews after three months).

With unlimited access to tutors and immediate answers, Kunduz is trying to make premium educational help available to a broader population.

Published on July 9, 2024

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