
Automatically generate tailored product roadmap presentations for diverse audiences and use cases, synchronizing data from integrated tools and augmenting with AI processing.
Product Roadmap Management Presentation Automation Collaboration Tools

Korl is a tool to help you get stakeholders better aligned by centralizing and summarizing product roadmap information. It can automatically generate presentations about products that are digestible for different audiences and use cases. The service is designed to make it easier to communicate with different teams and stakeholders, so everyone is on the same page.

Korl connects to tools like Jira, Google Drive and Figma to synchronize data and automatically generate information about items on the roadmap. When you're creating a presentation, Korl fills it in automatically with the latest information, augmented by AI processing, and lets you customize it with a few clicks.

Some of the other features of Korl include:

  • Internal Roadmap: Presentations for All Hands and roadmap plan readouts
  • External Roadmap: Customer meeting and sales pitch materials
  • Release Review: Monthly product meeting and release review templates
  • Status Update: Roadmap check-in and executive updates

Korl lets you generate a variety of presentations, including customer-facing roadmaps by theme, yearly roadmap presentations for internal stakeholders, product updates, sprint priorities and weekly updates. The service supports multiple templates and customization options so you can adapt it for different needs and audiences.

Korl pricing is simple:

  • Team Plan (Annual): $12 per user per month
  • Team Plan (Monthly): $15 per user per month

Both plans come with a two-week free trial, unlimited team members and unlimited presentations. You can also schedule a demo if you want a guided tour of the service.

Korl is designed to make it easier to create and share product roadmap presentations so stakeholders can be better informed and aligned. Its integration with common tools and its ability to generate content automatically with AI processing make it a useful tool for product development teams and companies that want to improve their communication and collaboration.

Published on June 14, 2024

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