
Verify user identities in seconds with automated image processing, combining ID scan, selfie comparison, fraud checks, and liveness detection in a single step.
Identity Verification Fraud Detection Biometric Authentication

Kairos also offers an instant identity verification system that's designed to lower user churn and thwart fraud with automated image processing that happens in real time. The system combines an ID scan, a comparison of the selfie with the photo ID, fraud checks and a liveness check that occurs in real time in one single step.

Some of the features of the Kairos platform include:

  • Instant ID Verification: Verify user identities in seconds with AI-powered image processing.
  • Face Liveness Detection: Thwart fraud with a single selfie to determine liveness rates.
  • Age Estimation: Determine a user's age from a photo to enforce age restrictions without requiring further user input.
  • Biometric Verification: Identify potential fraudsters by comparing face images with blacklisted users in databases.
  • ID Document Verification: Authenticate a variety of government ID documents from around the world, including detection of counterfeit or tampered documents.

Kairos is designed to help businesses grow users without sacrificing security by building accurate checks into fewer steps. The company's technology is used by financial services, online gaming and micromobility companies.

Pricing is tiered and based on usage, with a free tier that includes the first 100 transactions for free. After that, transactions are priced based on the number of transactions, with the cost per transaction dropping as the volume increases.

The company focuses on security and privacy, using best practices and technology like AES-256 encryption and TLS data protection. It also focuses on unbiased facial recognition, taking steps to counteract data skewness by building training data that includes people of different ethnicities, genders and ages.

Developers can integrate Kairos with their apps with detailed documentation and support for several programming languages. The company's technology is designed to handle large volumes of data and works across demographics, so it's a good choice for companies looking to automate identity verification.

Published on August 8, 2024

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