JobFlux is designed to help freelancers by automating the process of searching for and applying to jobs on Upwork. With the latest AI technology, the platform helps freelancers to find a job more efficiently by constantly scanning Upwork for job postings that match their requirements and skills.
JobFlux lets freelancers input information about the type of jobs they're looking for and their work experience. It then creates a custom cover letter for each job that matches, increasing the chances of attracting a client. The tool is geared for freelancers who want to spend their time delivering quality work instead of searching for new projects.
JobFlux offers the following features:
JobFlux is for freelancers of all levels, helping them find a job and stay organized and proactive. Freelancers are still responsible for applying to jobs, but JobFlux sends timely notifications and email alerts when it finds a job that matches their preferences. Freelancers can cancel their subscription at any time.
With AI technology, JobFlux empowers freelancers to overcome the difficulties of finding new work and managing their job search effectively.
Published on July 24, 2024
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