Generates high-quality, unique press releases in minutes, saving time and money, while showcasing a company's progressive image through AI technology adoption.
Press Release Automation AI-powered Content Generation Automated Reporting

ITCOMMS also offers an AI-powered press release generator that can help you get more out of your releases. Using the latest artificial intelligence technology, specifically ChatGPT, the service can generate high-quality, unique press releases in a matter of minutes. ITCOMMS hopes to help users save time and money by automating the process of creating press releases, which often require the help of professional staff and can take 1-2 days.

Some of the key features of the tool include:

  • Guaranteed Uniqueness: All generated press releases are unique and tailored to specific needs.
  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Generates a press release in minutes instead of days.
  • Progressive Image: The use of AI can be communicated as a progressive move.

The generator asks for information on several areas, including:

  • Date and Location: The date and location of the press release.
  • Topic and Details: Details on the product, event, and unique selling points.
  • Target Audience: The intended audience for the press release.
  • Quote and Speaker Information: A quote from an expert and their role.
  • Company Description: A standard description of the company.
  • Media Type and Language: The type of media and language you want to distribute the press release to.
  • Press Contacts: Contact information for journalists or media representatives.

ITCOMMS describes itself as a tool that not only generates press releases but also helps a company's progressive image by showing off the use of AI technology. The service is geared for companies that want to quickly generate professional press releases. You can subscribe to the ITCOMMS blog for expert advice and insights on AI in communications. For more information, visit

Published on June 13, 2024

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