
Traces and verifies data history, adding a provenance layer that makes data permanent, precise, and unconstrained, ensuring accountability and transparency.
Data Provenance Blockchain Solutions Data Storage Optimization

Irys brings accountability to data by tracing and verifying its history, adding a provenance layer that makes data permanent, precise and unconstrained. By addressing the Provenance Trilemma, Irys provides a reliable and scalable way to add accountability to all information.

Irys is designed for strong provenance, making data permanent, precise and unconstrained. The key attributes are:

  • Strong provenance: Permanent, precise and unconstrained data access.
  • Pragmatic: Easy, reliable, performant, searchable and cost-effective.
  • Trust-minimized: Verifiable, transparent and credibly neutral.
  • Scalable: Meets global demand with volumetric scaling.
  • Versatile: Supports 16 major tokens, including AR (Arweave), ETH (Ethereum), SOL (Solana), MATIC (Polygon) and others.

Irys is particularly useful for projects that need data sequencing precision and permanence, such as social media feeds or mutable references. It can be used for permanent data storage on Arweave, ensuring data remains performant and scalable forever. Irys also enables instant uploads and volumetric scaling, with millions of transactions per second.

Irys technology includes ordering, which sequences data with extreme precision, and permanent data, which stores data on Arweave permanently and scalably. Irys has been adopted by major Web3 projects, with customers saying they appreciate the responsive and flexible service.

Pricing isn't disclosed, but customers can pay with any of the 16 supported tokens, so it should be adaptable to different technical needs. Overall, Irys is a powerful and reliable way to manage data provenance, improving accountability and transparency in the digital world.

For further details, check out Irys website.

Published on July 4, 2024

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