
Train AI models on your own IP, control every step of the process, and retain full ownership of your data and assets with infinite customization options.
Generative AI Visual Media Creation AI Image Generation

Invoke is a powerful, secure and easy-to-deploy generative AI platform for professional studios to create visual media. It lets customers train models on their own intellectual property, control every step of the process, and keep full ownership of their data.

Invoke has some key differences compared to other generative AI platforms:

  • Security: Proven security and compliance, having been vetted and approved by InfoSec teams at major studios. It's SOC-2 Compliant (Type 1) and commercially available.
  • Control: One product suite with infinite control, allowing professional artists to have the precision and flexibility they need. Customers can fine-tune every aspect of their images and iterate easily to get to their desired outcome.
  • Ownership: Full ownership, no strings attached. Any assets and models created are theirs alone, with no use of training assets to train someone else's model.

The platform lets customers generate beautiful, IP-appropriate visuals with customizable workflows and models trained on their own assets. It marries powerful and smart AI image generation technology with a secure and practical interface for maximum creative control. Customers can create, fine-tune, iterate and store their images and production workflows in one place.

Some of the key features of Invoke include:

  • Control Layers: Generate beautiful images from text prompts, image prompts or sketches, with fine-tuning options for every aspect of the image.
  • Workflow Builder: Build workflows to apply visual brand guidelines, ensure image consistency, apply effects, auto-crop or batch edit large groups of images.
  • Custom Model Upload: Pick from standard models or upload your own from anywhere, with Hugging Face integration that includes thousands of foundation and concept models.

Invoke can be used for a range of use cases, including generating IP-appropriate assets, refined iteration, sketch-to-full-render transformations, custom models and regional prompting. Collaboration tools let customers create workspaces for teams, with separate, invite-only Studio spaces, role-based access controls and shared images.

Pricing begins at $39/month, with a free, open-source Community Edition available for local installation. Enterprise deployment options include custom model and workflow development, single-tenant hosting and additional security features like Single Sign-On (SSO).

Published on June 14, 2024

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