Interviews by AI

Generate customized interview questions based on a job description, practice answering, and receive instant AI feedback to improve interview skills and confidence.
Interview Preparation AI Coaching Job Search Assistance

AI-powered interviews help job seekers prepare for their interviews by generating realistic questions based on a provided job description and providing instant AI feedback on their responses. The service is designed to help people feel more confident and less nervous during the interview process.

Some of the key features include:

  • Generate Interview Questions: Take a job description and generate customized behavioral and technical questions.
  • Practice Answering: Record audio or text answers to questions, mimicking the real interview.
  • AI Coaching: Get immediate feedback and sample answers using tried and true interview frameworks like the STAR method.

The platform covers a broad range of job roles, including Business Analyst, Product Manager, Software Engineer, Marketing Specialist, and more. Users can input their own job description or choose from sample roles.

Pricing is simple, with a free plan that includes three questions per month and a Pro plan at $9 per month (USD) that includes unlimited questions and more features. Users can cancel at any time.

Interviews by AI is a useful tool for anyone looking to improve their interview skills and prepare for different types of job interviews. By utilizing AI technology, it provides a realistic and personalized approach to interview preparation, helping users feel more confident and prepared for their big interviews.

Published on June 14, 2024

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