
Advanced data quality tools screen out duplicate respondents, fraudsters, and survey farms, ensuring accurate and trustworthy survey data for market researchers.
Data Quality Management Market Research Tools Fraud Detection

Imperium also offers more advanced data quality tools to help ensure survey data is accurate and trustworthy. Its tools help market researchers screen out problems like duplicate respondents, fraudsters and survey farms to provide better data.

Imperium's tools include database hygiene tools that automate data scrubbing and validation. They run in the cloud and can be used for real-time and batch processing. Among them:

  • RegGuard: Scans new panelists thoroughly, validating respondent IDs and scoring quality of open-end responses.
  • RelevantID: Uses behavioral monitoring and data mapping to spot suspicious respondents and ensure GDPR and CCPA compliance.
  • Verity: Verifies respondent information by matching it against consumer databases.
  • Address Correction: Improves deliverability by validating self-reported address information.
  • Real Mail: Filters out bogus or invalid email addresses to cut bounce rates.

The tools are designed for market researchers who need data they can trust. Imperium also offers a certification program that gives customers a recognized stamp of approval so they can be sure data they're getting from Imperium is good.

Imperium's tools can be customized so they can be deployed in different ways to suit business needs. Its technology is designed to help businesses in the middle of a transformation, too, with customized tools to handle specific data quality and fraud problems.

Pricing isn't disclosed; interested parties should contact Imperium for details. But by using Imperium's data quality tools, companies can establish trust with customers and offer premium services.

Published on June 27, 2024

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