Human Health

Tracks over 1000 symptoms and treatments, providing personalized insights and secure data sharing to empower patients and caregivers to manage chronic conditions.
Chronic Condition Management Health Monitoring Personalized Health Insights

Human Health is an AI-powered health management platform designed to empower patients and caregivers to track and understand their chronic conditions. By providing a centralized tool for tracking symptoms and treatments, Human Health helps individuals take control of their health journey.

Human Health is designed for patients and caregivers managing a range of conditions, including mental health, sleep disorders, neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders and gastrointestinal issues. Practitioners can also use the platform to get a comprehensive view of their patients' treatments and symptoms, helping them make more informed decisions.

Some of the key features of Human Health include:

  • Symptom tracking: Record over 1000 symptoms to track changes in health
  • Treatment tracking: Record comprehensive treatment and medication history
  • Daily reminders and check-ins: Encourage consistent tracking and engagement
  • Personalized insights: Analyze symptom and treatment data to identify trends and patterns
  • Secure data sharing: Control who can view your data, with full HIPAA and GDPR compliance

You can create a free profile, start tracking symptoms and treatments, and get daily insights to share with healthcare providers. The platform is available for both iOS and Android devices.

Real users have praised the app for helping them manage anxiety, track symptoms and get insights that help them get better care. Human Health is committed to privacy, ensuring all data is protected, encrypted and never sold.

With Human Health, people can gain a better understanding of their health needs, identify triggers and make informed decisions with their care teams. The platform's intuitive design and powerful features make it an essential tool for anyone looking to proactively manage their chronic conditions.

Published on June 18, 2024

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