
Turns Instagram posts into shoppable experiences with AI-powered visual search, recognizing products or similar items for seamless shopping and commission-based earning.
Influencer Marketing E-commerce Optimization Social Media Monetization

Hopshop is a shoppable fashion platform that lets fashion influencers and enthusiasts turn their Instagram posts into a way to make money. With AI-powered visual search technology, the app recognizes the products or similar products in your Instagram posts, so you don't have to spend time searching and linking products to your storefront.

Hopshop's key features include:

  • Shopable Fashion: The ability to turn fashion posts into clickable shopping experiences.
  • Personalized Website: A seamless integration of fashion content with curated products from over 500 brands and retailers.
  • Commission-based Earning: Influencers earn a percentage of the sales generated from their followers' purchases, whether they buy the exact or similar product.

The app makes it easy for influencers and their audience to shop. Influencers can fill in their Instagram username and share a link to their personalized website, where followers can browse and purchase products inspired by their style. The platform also ensures up-to-date inventory data from its extensive brand portfolio.

Hopshop is great for fashion influencers and content creators who want to build a sustainable career by monetizing their creativity and improving their audience's shopping experience. And for anyone looking to take their fashion influence to the next level, Hopshop is a useful tool.

Published on June 14, 2024

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