Honesty Meter

Analyzes news articles for bias and manipulation, producing a detailed objectivity report and score to help users make informed decisions.
Media Analysis Bias Detection Fact Checking

Honesty Meter is a tool designed to help people find out what's going on with news articles, specifically looking for evidence of manipulation and bias. It's designed to give people a neutral assessment of the integrity of the media, so they can make more informed decisions.

Honesty Meter uses large language models and neural networks to scrutinize many aspects of media content, looking for signs of manipulative techniques like sensationalism, framing and selective presentation. The tool produces a detailed objectivity report, including an objectivity score, a list of manipulations detected, and suggestions for reducing bias in the text.

The project's core feature is its News Integrity Feed, which scrutinizes news articles from major publishers, letting you search by keyword or filter by category and country. It also offers a personalized news integrity feed for famous people, and you can submit links or text to get a custom analysis. Honesty Meter also offers ratings for the most praised and most criticized people, and for the most objective sources.

Honesty Meter is open-source software and free to use, part of an effort to be transparent and accessible. The tool is designed to improve its abilities through user feedback and AI improvements, so it can build a more accurate and trustworthy system for evaluating media.

Honesty Meter is still in a demonstration phase, but it's produced more than 18,000 reports so far, including many high-profile people and subjects. The project recognizes its current version's shortcomings and is working on improving its algorithms for more nuanced and consistent assessments.

Honesty Meter could be useful for anyone trying to cut through the noise of media bias and manipulation, getting a better idea of how facts are presented and making more informed decisions.

Published on June 9, 2024

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