
AI-powered threat detection and response capabilities identify and stop attacks before they reach data, ensuring comprehensive security across networks and applications.
Cybersecurity Cloud Workload Protection Zero-Trust Architecture

Hillstone Networks' comprehensive cyber security solutions help customers secure their enterprise from edge to cloud. Its portfolio of NGFW, SD-WAN, ZTNA, NDR, XDR, micro-segmentation and CWPP solutions helps customers protect their networks, applications and data from today's ever-evolving threats.

Hillstone's solutions help address the security challenges of digital transformation, with a zero-trust architecture that keeps pace with expanding infrastructure while maintaining security. Its AI-powered threat detection and response capabilities help identify and stop attacks before they reach data. This includes cloud workload protection that leaves no corner of the cloud unguarded.

Some of the key features and solutions include:

  • Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA): Protect internal applications with multiple authentication methods, continuous monitoring and intelligent enforcement.
  • Extended Detection & Response (XDR): Unify threat detection and response across multiple sources to simplify security operations and cut down on alert fatigue.
  • Cloud Workload Protection (CWPP): Protect cloud workloads wherever they run, from bare-metal hosts to serverless deployments.
  • Secure SD-WAN: Protect in a cloud-first world with visibility into user, device and access activity across locations.
  • Network Detection and Response (NDR): Detect and respond to threats with full traffic visibility and advanced threat analytics.
  • Microsegmentation: Protect virtual machines with advanced Layer 4-7 protection for virtual deployments that are scalable and portable.

These solutions help CISOs address a range of security challenges, including secure access to internal applications, comprehensive threat detection and strong workload protection. By combining these solutions, Hillstone helps customers build a comprehensive security strategy that keeps pace with their ever-changing infrastructure.

Published on July 8, 2024

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